Tuesday, July 31, 2012

37 Candles : A Birthday Gratitude Ritual

In 2006, I started a new birthday ritual. I would light the number of candles corresponding to my birthday. With each candle, I give thanks for one blessing. The first time I did it, I wondered if I would have enough to be grateful for. But by the end of the activity, the room was aglow with all the candles lit up. But so were my spirits. I had more blessings than my age. The candles were not enough.

This year, as I looked back and reflected on my year, I realized how rich and beautiful the past twelve months have been. Indeed, the world is my oyster.  In the past twelve months, I traveled to Bhutan, Argentina, Australia, Singapore, Thailand, Laos, Myanmar, and to several places around the Philippines. Often times, I travel alone. But there are kind angels who meet me along the way and even become lifetime friends.

Truly, I had seen such awesome places like the Dzongs in Bhutan, colorful people like the Hmong and Lahu tribes in Thailand, tasted fine Malbecs in Argentina, and wild adventures with crocs in Australia. How blessed I am. But even more blessed to encounter strangers who care.

While these photos are only some of the people and places who have touched my life, I give a great big thanks to you all. Whether you kept me company in the airport, or gave me travel tips, or shared a good dish with me, or kindly took my photo or even just broke into a big toothy smile for my camera, I am most grateful. Thanks to family and friends who patiently listen to my stories, for understanding this path I have taken, and for supporting me all the way. Whether you are old friend in Manila, or a comforting friend in Singapore, or belong to the Hong Kong crew, or a classmate in the US or Australia, or someone who's made a dent in my heart and my life, you are part of my journey. To all the readers of my books, articles, and blogs, thank you for reading and even generously donating books for the library WE created together.  To the editors and professionals in the travel industry, thank you for trusting me and helping me out. To the people who've opened their homes, their kitchens, and their lives to me, a million thanks! Thank you for making my life richer. Thank you for making this great big world, a cozy place for me to bask in your love. 

Watch this video, a morsel of my delicious journey :

I will continue to take you with me on my delicious journey through this blog, Facebook Page, Twitter and on Instagram/themaidastouch. Kindly share with your friends, so more people can journey with me.



CopyrightMaidaPineda2012. Thanks for reading!

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